
Rear Window (1954)

Let’s go back to a simpler time, a time when entertainment comes in the form of watching your neighbours through your window… your rear window. Compared to some of the other movies I’ve seen from the pre-60s era this was pretty surprising. The subject matter isn’t tip-toed around, they fully talk about dismembering a body, burying the parts and cleaning up the bloody mess. Not only was it cool they could go so far but it was a woman saying it. One of the reasons I liked this movie is the fact that Jeff was confined to his wheelchair and was pretty helpless, while the women got to do all the dirty work. Was pretty funny seeing Lisa and Stella climbing up to the garden and Lisa climbing up the fire escape to the window. Woo girl power! Grace Kelly was picture perfect with her hair and makeup, and her character, Lisa, was really deep. She wasn’t just the money obsessed socialite we were led to believe from the beginning. She became as obsessed as Jeff about the crime, and seemed to have fun trying to solve the case and messing with Thorwald. The dialogue felt so real, and it actually made me chuckle a few times. Maybe I’m a simple minded fool but for most of the movie I wasn’t totally sure if Thorwald actually did it or not. I had a hard time predicting how the movie would end which I love more than an ice cold pop on a hot summers day.

Now for the complaints I have! When Jeff is getting manhandled out the window, the neighbours coming out of their building to see gets all sped up. It looks really really bad and in the middle of the climax of the movie it kinda of jolts you out of the moment. There is a possibility that it was just my copy, but from what I can gather this was actually intended. The flashbulb trick was kind of funny too. After the first one or two, if it were me, I would’ve maybe covered my eyes? That part went on a little too long. This next complaint I have is complicated, on the one hand it is really cool that the only sounds comes from inside the movie (people talking, people playing music in the next building etc.). On the other hand, why can Jeff hear everything so clearly? He could hear the conversation in the music guys house as though it was happening in his own apartment. But at the same time he can’t hear Thorwald’s conversation on the phone. How very convenient. Also… killing a dog? You sick son of a bitch! Why didn’t you dig up whatever it was and let the dog live?! What, is he going to tell people there was something there? Killing the dog brought MORE attention to that spot because Jeff and the gang went digging there anyways. Come on! Whew, ok… got that out of my system. This movie starts off really slow and at times I might have been inclined to be bored. However, the last half of the film is superb and made me feel some sort of emotions.

Verdict: 8/10